Greetings, friends. Que pasa? Many thanks for your continuing support and encouragement. Allow me to share some good news about my writing:

GAYA – It is with pleasure that I inform you Luck Be A Chicken has garnered me a nomination for Georgia Author of the Year in the humor category in the Georgia Writers Association annual competition. The winners will be announced at their annual banquet at the end of June. (Just in case, I’m rehearsing my four word acceptance speech – “Winner, winner, chicken dinner.”) If I don’t win, I am honored to have been nominated. Either way, I will strive to continue to improve my craft.

Radio Interview – Check out my latest radio interview, this one with the colorful Dr. john Raber

Public Eye with Dr. John, 2 June 2015, Jameson Gregg

Short Story Award – I am happy to report that, earlier this month, my humorous short story, The Funeral for Trudy Mullinax, won first place in the Gainesville-based Northeast Georgia Writers group annual competition. I will be submitting to literary magazines and periodicals, and look forward to sharing the short story with you one day. Many periodicals want only unpublished material and posting it on a website or social media would (could) be publication for those purposes.

Otherwise, promoting Luck Be A Chicken and working on my next book keeps me out of trouble. I’m enjoying the speaker’s circuit, presenting to a variety of literary groups, book clubs and civic clubs throughout Georgia.

Readers’ reactions vary on Luck Be A Chicken. Yes, most love it, but a few consider it controversial for one reason or another, which is no surprise. Perhaps I heeded the words of a personal adviser who said, “Don’t you write a milquetoast novel.” Check out the comments on Amazon and you’ll get a sampling. And, please log your own review. It only takes a few minutes.

Thanks again for your support,
